In the late 1970s, Compro designed an edible oil deodorizer (US patent 4,211,610), that utilized steam injection into a confined wall, resulting in a thin rising film of oil that was highly effective in stripping off flavours and fatty acids from the oil. This technology has been employed and used in hundreds of applications for oil processing and has been proven many times.
During operation, it has been demonstrated that the high turbulence, intimate contact of steam and feed, and consistent low pressure of the unit resulted in much higher efficiencies in steam stripping. This allowed the industry to develop into physical refining of oils, streaming free fatty acids and other low volatile oil contaminates out of feedstock. The high stripping efficiency has been demonstrated in production of low calorie fats and esters out of customized structural fats. The short time that the feed is held at low stripping temperatures has allowed the development of highly efficient fish oil deodorization processing -an area of excellence for Compro.
Compro has now modified the unit to reduce the cost and increase the recovery of the stripped compounds so that feeds as high as 70% strippable products can be separated and recovered. With these modifications, the new Compro unit will be useful in any Short Path Distillation processes. The unit has no moving parts, reducing vacuum leaks and improving operations. The unit can be fit inside any existing facility.
The unit will allow changing your Biodiesel into Edible Oils Refining from feed stocks of Soybean, Canola, Animal Fats, Fish Oil etc.
Biodiesel could use the equipment in both the pretreatment of feedstocks and post-purification of product. Low cost feedstock usually contains catalyst poisons that prevent their use in production. By stripping the fatty acids off the feedstocks, they can be sold for feed or industrial use or be converted into biodiesel fuel in separate reactors. On the back end, the unit can be used to steam distill the product, producing a “water white” distillate that will always meet the ASTM specifications. The residual can then be recycled to the operations for furtherprocessing. Our unique Distillation System removes Methanol, Glycerin, Sterols and Waxes so efficiently that the Cetane Value remains intact. These events take us to a level of excellence.
The Distillation System covers both the flash removal and steam removal of the Methyl Esters. This System will flash of 50% of the Methyl Esters and steam strip the balance in the Compro Distiller. The flash tanks and the Distiller are sized to allow 50% return and still meet the total Plant output.